Manufacturer of surgical instruments and endoscopy systems

Quality over decades – only the best can compete

Since the foundation of allgaier instrumente GmbH in 1953, quality has been at the forefront of our philosophy. Right from the beginning of our involvement in the development and production of surgical instruments and medical devices, we have always followed the maxim that only the best quality products should be allowed to leave our plant. As our products are used on the human body, quality is of the utmost significance. The constant growth of our company has given credence to our philosophy. And we will continue to work with quality as our top priority. A great product variety, uncompromising engagement with quality and workmanship of the instruments, along with devices of almost all medical fields, are good reasons our company today enjoys such an excellent reputation worldwide and sells its products in all continents to more than 80 countries.

Imagebroschüre / Company Profile

Please feel free to download our company profile. You will receive a brief outline of our company’s history, the product portfolio and our business activities in general.

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Expert knowledge is indispensable

It is vital to keep a close watch on the market. We are in constant contact with our customers. This makes it possible for us to optimise all aspects of our product range. Our experience, dedication and research over the years are reflected in the highly efficient design and extremely high-quality standard of our products. The expertise of our specialist staff has played an extremely important role in this process. For this reason, we place a high value on qualification and further training of our staff, as well as on a continuous exchange of knowledge and experience with colleagues.

Our logistics: Organisation means speed – worldwide

As the result of our well-honed organisation and strong team spirit, we are able to guarantee processing and delivery of orders even at short notice. In addition, all work stations in the administration department have been designed with efficiency in mind and are equipped with the most up-to-date communications technology. This ensures that information can be transferred quickly and directly. Almost all of the items in our extensive product range are stocked and readily available which ensures that they can be delivered quickly. The merchandise always reaches our clients via the shortest possible route and the customer’s special wishes can also be accommodated.

Close contact with our customers is extremely important to us. For this reason we exhibit at trade fairs and conventions all over the world, as well as being represented at international congresses and symposiums. Our specialist sales persons advise customers individually to help them find the solution that best fits their needs. On site, at our plant or by telephone. For us, quality service is of the utmost importance. Our objective is not simply to sell products. Our employees always make an effort to help the customer, to provide the correct scientific information, and to point to the way towards effective solutions.

Quality “made in Germany”

We ensure our high standard of quality through a quality management system which involves every employee in both the sales and the technical departments. Only the use of the best raw materials and tools can provide the basis for the unimpaired long-term service life of our products. The most up-to-date machinery, our partially automated manufacturing process, combined with the skilled craftsmanship of our experienced employees, combine to guarantee high-quality medical instruments “made in Germany”.

In order to fulfil the demanding quality-control standards required under DIN EN ISO 13485, products at Allgaier are checked at each stage of production according to the strictest standards.

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EC Certificate

EC Certificate
(English, German and Spanish)

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ISO 13485 Certificate

ISO 13485 Certificate
(English, German and Spanish)

Download PDF

Our products and services

Our products are generally used for dental and open/general surgeries, as well as in the minimally invasive surgery field. The reason for the importance of our products is their field of application: the human being. Continuous market research, closeness to users, high interest, curiosity and experience have developed our skills and know-how in the course of time, which are reflected in functionality, ergonomics and a very high quality standard. Our medical instruments are manufactured in an optimised process using the most up-to-date machinery and a highly-skilled specialist staff.

Surgical instruments


a-line Endoscopy
Chirurgische Instrumente

Visit us at MEDICA 2024 in Düsseldorf

Also in 2024 we will dis­play our pro­ducts and ser­vices at MEDICA trade fair in Düsseldorf. The show will take pla­ce from 11 to 14 November 2024 and pro­vi­des a gre­at oppor­tu­ni­ty for in per­son nego­tia­ti­ons in order to explo­re new busi­ness oppor­tu­nities.

Medica Logo

Please contact us at any time

For inquiries or messages of any type, please use the following contact form. Alternatively you can contact one of our staff members directly.

allgaier instrumente GmbH
Teuchelgrube 6-10
78665 Fritt­lin­gen, Ger­many


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    If you contact us via contact form, the data will be transmitted encrypted. The data from the enquiry form including the contact data provided by you will be stored by us for the processing of the enquiry and in the event of follow-up questions. We do not pass on this data without your consent. Please also note the further information on data protection and revocation notices.

    Our competent staff

    Daniela Siegel

    Plant Manager

    Phone: +49 (0)7426 9615-13

    Daniel Merz


    Phone: +49 (0)7426 9615-12

    Lisa Schroeder Customer Service

    Lisa Schroeder

    Customer Service

    Phone: +49 (0)7426 9615-10

    Monika Knaus

    Monika Knaus

    Domestic Sales

    Phone: +49 (0)7426 9615-20

    Andrea Görner


    Phone: +49 (0)7426 9615-0

    Achim Koch

    Quality Assurance

    Phone: +49 (0)7426 9615-0


    Production Management

    Phone: +49 (0)7426 9615-19

    Olga Hergett

    Purchasing / RA

    Phone: +49 (0) 7426 96 15 – 18